The Time Traveller: Alexander and Aristotle
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Caius Zip, The Time Traveller – book series
Author: Regina Goncalves
160 pages
Caius Zip, a young time traveller, crosses unknown India with the Macedonian army led by the legendary Alexander, the Great, in 326 B.C..
Caius appears during a battle between Alexander and the Indian king, Porus. Caius gets acquainted with the striking personality of this invincible leader. Alexander has great human virtues, but he also has some important flaws.
The young time traveller also discovers the philosophy of great Greek thinkers, such as Thales, Anaximander, Pythagoras, Democritus, Heraclites, Socrates, Plato and, above all, Aristotle. Although Aristotle is not among the Greeks in India, he is constantly mentioned in the story and represented by his nephew and disciple Callisthenes, who joined the army of Alexander as a historian. It is as if Aristotle were speaking from the mouth of Callisthenes, with whom Caius learns the principles of Greek philosophy and perceives how our manner of thinking is highly influenced by the Greek thinkers who lived 2500 years ago.Alongside the lovely Daphne, with whom he falls in love, Caius learns Aristotle´s principles of logic.
With Alexander, before the gods Shiva, Zeus, Amon and Ahura Mazda, Caius must face the difficult challenge of the six black pearls proposed by the gods, on which their lives will depend. And so, Caius Zip experiences this magical period of encounters between civilizations that profoundly marked the history of the world.
At the end, the book includes a highly original biography in the form of imaginary memories of Alexander.
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